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Lindsay Reiten

Lindsay Reiten

Associate Professor

Mathematical Sciences
Natural and Health Sciences

Contact Information

(970) 351-2344
Ross 2230E


Professional/Academic Experience

Research/Areas of Interest

A constant theme throughout my research relates to supporting middle and high school mathematics teachers as they engage students in rich mathematics. Thus far, my research has investigated teacher moves for supporting student reasoning (e.g., Ellis, Ö³ú²µÃ¼°ù, & Reiten, 2019), explored ³Ù±ð²¹³¦³ó±ð°ù²õ’ implementation of technology-based tasks while participating in professional development (e.g., Reiten, 2021, 2020, 2018) and investigated ³Ù±ð²¹³¦³ó±ð°ù²õ’ enacted mathematical knowledge for teaching (e.g., Troudt, Reiten, & Novak, 2020). From these three diverse but connected projects focusing on teachers, I am beginning to explore how mathematics teachers support content-language integration (i.e., the simultaneous development of content knowledge and language), particularly for multilingual students. 

Publications/Creative Works

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