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David Greene, PhD

David Greene, PhD

Associate Professor

The Department of Rehabilitation and Human Services
College of Natural and Health Sciences

Contact Information

Gunter 1250B
Mailing Address
University of Northern Colorado
Department of Human Services
Campus Box 132
Greeley, CO 80639


Professional/Academic Experience

Research/Areas of Interest

Publications/Creative Works

Greene, D., & King, N.D. (2021). Humor and A1C: The interaction between humor and diabetes control. Humor: The International Journal of Humor Research, 34 (4).

Greene, D. (2021). Humor is a free and readily available tool for treating diabetes. Invited interview HPCLive, June 2021.

Greene, D.S. (2021). Humor and A1C: The interaction between humor and diabetes control. Poster Presentation, American Diabetes Association 81st Scientific Sessions, June 2021.

Greene, D. (2021). Thanks for humoring me. Taking Control of Your Diabetes, National On-Line Newsletter.

Greene, D.S., King, N.D., & Coe, J.B. (2020). Diabetes and humor: A preliminary investigation. Diabetes Spectrum,33 (2), 175-181.

Gould, J., Greene, D., & Donnelly, R. (2020). Marijuana use and achievement motives: An exploratory analysis of self-reported health among adult cannabis consumers. Journal of Drug Issues, 50 (3), 259-272.

Greene, D. (2019). Undergraduate internships: Conflicting interests. Journal of Education and Training, 6(2), 41-51. doi:10.5296/jet.v6i2.14880