ࡱ> `b_a lbjbj gxJ\xJ\^ <<<<<PPP8,P:HHHHHikkkkkk$$!<e@<<HH@<H<HiiH;U0,"""<X"> :  AUTHORIZATION AND USE OF OVERTIME It is the policy of the University to provide compensatory time off at 1 - 1/2 times actual hours worked over 40 hours in a work week. Supervisors may make cash payment at 1 - 1/2 times actual hours worked with Director or Vice President (in the absence of the Director), approval. Overtime cash payment will be made at the next pay period following receipt of the original of this form signed by all appropriate individuals. Only those employees in classified positions designated as non-exempt are eligible for overtime. Classified employees designated as exempt are not eligible for overtime. Compensatory time not taken within 60 days of accruing will be paid in the next pay period. Date:Department:Cost Center #:Requested By (Supervisor):Reason For Request: Method Of CompensationCompensatory Time: Cash Overtime Payment:Employee SignatureDateSupervisor SignatureDate Director OR Vice President SignatureDate Employee NameOvertime Requested (Estimated Hours Needed)Overtime Actually Worked (Complete after hours worked)Date(s)Maximum Hours NeededDate(s)Hours Actually Worked This is to certify that the overtime hours shown above have been worked. Supervisor SignatureDateINSTRUCTIONS: The use of overtime must be authorized prior to the actual overtime hours to be worked. In those cases where this is not possible, such as a last minute assignment or emergency, the overtime hours worked must be approved by the authorizing official, even though it is after the fact. The use of overtime can be authorized by the appropriate Director or Vice President (in the absence of the Director). Overtime is unauthorized unless approved by both the supervisor and Director. To request the use of overtime, the supervisor should complete this form showing the date(s) the overtime is to be worked and the anticipated maximum overtime hours needed. The method of compensation is to be indicated and the employee is to sign the form as agreement to the overtime worked method of compensation. After all authorizing officials have approved the overtime, the original of this form should be retained by the supervisor until overtime is actually worked. After the overtime is worked, the supervisor completes the second part of the request certifying the number of hours actually worked. After completing the authorization form, a) attach the form to the employee's time sheet, if the method of compensation is cash payment; or b) attach the form to the employee's monthly leave sheet, if the method of compensation is compensatory time off.     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